The First Wizard (Dawn of Wizards Book 1) by Kohanek Jeffrey L

The First Wizard (Dawn of Wizards Book 1) by Kohanek Jeffrey L

Author:Kohanek, Jeffrey L.
Language: eng
Format: epub
Publisher: Fallbrandt Press
Published: 2023-10-24T00:00:00+00:00

A thump shook Ian’s bed, waking him. He sat up in the darkness and struck his head on the bunk above him. The pain made him wince and press his palm to the bump on his forehead as he swung his feet off the bed. The stone floor felt cold beneath his bare feet. He lifted his gaze to the narrow window as a flicker of light flashed outside.

Vic’s voice came from the bunk above him. “Ian? Are you feeling well?”

“I am fine. That storm we saw on the horizon is upon us. Its thunder woke me and I bumped my head.”

“I felt it when…” A thump shook the room, interrupting Vic. “What was that?”

Ian stood and walked to the window. Clouds blanketing the sky masked the moon and stars, leaving the plains thick with shadow. Another thump shook the building. Vic jumped down and stood at Ian’s side, the two of them staring out into the night. Lightning flashed, lighting up the plains. Ian gasped.

A few hundred feet away stood a massive creature, fifty feet tall and weighing more than a house. It walked on two, thick, meaty legs, its body bare other than a loincloth the size of a tent. The creature took a step, the thump of its footstep shaking the waystop despite the distance. Thunder rumbled and darkness returned, engulfing the creature in the gloom of night. Although Ian could no longer see the monster, the sight of it remained affixed in his mind and left him frozen in shock. Panic squeezed a tight grip around his throat.

In a hushed tone, Vic asked, “Did you see that?”

“Yes,” Ian croaked.

“What was it?”

In Ian’s studies of the bestiary of creatures originating from the Vale, only one matched the description of what he and Vic had just seen. “I think it was a rock troll.”

Thump. Thump. Thump. The monster’s footsteps shook the building again. Lightning flashed to reveal the troll standing much closer. With a bald head, a big nose, black eyes, and a thrusting jaw with an underbite, the troll was as ugly as anything Ian had ever seen. Two sharp teeth, each the size of a man, stuck up over the monster’s upper lip. Lightning flashed again as the behemoth opened its massive mouth. It looked at the waystop and released a mighty roar, the volume loud enough that Ian felt it vibrate in his chest.

Terrified, he backed from the window. “What do we do?”

The door flung open, causing Ian and Vic to spin toward it. In the warm light of the central column stood Korrigan with his mace in both hands.

“We have trouble,” the dwarf growled.

“A troll,” Ian said.

“Yes.” He gestured toward Vic’s weapon leaning against the wall. “Grab your mattock, Vic. You are coming with me and Vargan.”

Ian glanced at Vic before asking, “What about me?”

Korrigan gestured with the weapon in his hand. “You can help Ipsegar, on the roof.”

Ian blanched. “The roof?”

“He is manning the ballistae. Grab two bolts off the shelf, climb up, and help him reload.


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